Mayor Quintanilla opened the public hearing.
City Clerk Mejia narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries. NDC Demographer Shalice Tilton and Best, Best & Krieger Attorney William Priest also responded to City Council inquiries.
Jackie Curtis, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of Map 109.
Joan Speer, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of Map 109 and the renumbering of districts, and requested the introduction of Map102c as an additional focus map.
Tom Mortensen, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of Map 109.
Michael Stafford, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition of Map 109 and in favor of introducing Map 102c as an additional focus map.
Debbie Green, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition of Map 109 and in favor of introducing Map 102c as an additional focus map.
Susie Hauser, Palm Desert resident, urged the City Council and the community to come together after a map is chosen and work for the good of the community as a whole.
Ruth Hill, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition to redistricting and in support of Map 109.
Mike Morsch, Palm Desert resident, spoke in support of Map 109.
Carlos Garcia, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition of Map 109, and in favor of introducing Map 102c as an additional focus map.
Stephen Nelson, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of introducing Map 102c.
Gregg Akkerman, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of introducing Map 102c.
Craig, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of introducing Map 102c.
Vince Carlin (sp), Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of Map 109.
Mayor Quintanilla closed the public hearing, there being no other member of the public wishing to speak.
Responding to question, City Clerk Mejia stated that Map 102c was requested by a resident after the deadline, and it was not within staff's prerogative to bring the map forward without City Council direction.
City Clerk Mejia displayed a map of school district boundaries, and NDC demographer indicated that the homes north of Frank Sinatra Drive are part of Palm Springs Unified School District and represent 4,000 people.
Councilmember Kelly noted previous City Council actions to expand the northern area of Palm Desert with universities, housing development, infrastructure and regional parks, and encouraged residents to review the City's General Plan demonstrating its commitment to develop the area for the enjoyment and benefit of its residents. She reaffirmed her support for Map 109, and noted that factors such as the Mid-Valley Channel, future rail infrastructure, balancing future population growth between two districts, and unique attributes of Portola Country Club and Palm Desert Greens demonstrate the need for certain neighborhoods to be placed in the same district.
Councilmember Trubee expressed his agreement with Councilmember Kelly, and shared his perspective that there is an opportunity for North Palm Desert to be represented by multiple Councilmembers should Map 109 be adopted.
Councilmember Nestande noted she previously met with Palm Springs school board representatives to discuss annexing the land in Palm Desert to Desert Sands Unified School District, and was informed that there were no plans to do so, nor plans to build a school to serve that area in the next ten years.
Mayor Pro Tem Harnik expressed her agreement with comments made by Councilmember Kelly, and also encouraged residents to review the General Plan update which was prepared with the input of residents rather than Councilmembers. She thanked residents for their participation in workshops and community meetings. She shared her opinion that Map 109 provides the best opportunity for voices to be heard and decisions to be made.
Mayor Quintanilla noted she heard from many residents regarding map preferences, and noted that living in one part of Palm Desert is different than living in and experiencing another part of Palm Desert. She shared that many housing projects that are in various stages of completion are accessible, workforce and affordable housing and that there is no guaranteed future completion date or time. She expressed concern about diluting the purpose and voice of a protected class and community of interest. She noted that the current City Council is committing itself to an idea that the housing projects in progress will come to fruition in a timely fashion. She opined that the City Council would be ignoring the voice of its current residents in favor of future residents.
Councilmember Kelly noted the staff report shows approximately two-thirds of approved housing developments are under construction, and those being completed are being occupied are a mixture of single-family homes at different price points, and multi-family housing.