Palm Desert City Council, Successor Agency to the Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency, and Housing Authority

Regular Meeting Minutes

Council Chamber, City Hall
73-510 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, California
  • Mayor Pro Tem Jan Harnik, 
  • Councilmember Kathleen Kelly, 
  • Councilmember Gina Nestande, 
  • Councilmember Evan Trubee, 
  • and Mayor Karina Quintanilla 

A Regular Meeting of the Palm Desert City Council was called to order by Mayor Quintanilla on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, located at 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, California.

Mayor Quintanilla adjourned to Closed Session at 3:30 p.m.

The following items were considered in closed session:

Closed Session Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2023


Conference with Real Property Negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8








Councilmember Trubee led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Pro Tem Harnik provided words of inspiration.

Mayor Pro Tem Jan Harnik joined the meeting at 4:01 PM. ()
Councilmember Kathleen Kelly joined the meeting at 4:01 PM. ()
Councilmember Gina Nestande joined the meeting at 4:01 PM. ()
Councilmember Evan Trubee joined the meeting at 4:01 PM. ()
Mayor Karina Quintanilla joined the meeting at 4:01 PM. ()

City Attorney Shah stated that no reportable actions were taken by the City Council.

Doug Walker, Palm Desert's appointee for the Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District (CVMVCD), introduced Jeremy Witte, CVMVCD General Manager. Mr. Wittie narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries.

Councilmembers reported on their attendance at various meetings and events.

Councilmember Trubee reported Palm Desert High School would host a World Guard International competition in March 2024; thanked staff for their work on the recent Fred Waring Drive project. Mayor Pro Tem Harnik reported that the Federal Rail Administration added the CV Rail project to the Federal Corridor Identification and Development program, and CalTrans was awarded a $500,000 grant for project planning. She also encouraged residents to provide input for Connect SoCal. Mayor Quintanilla noted the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce would make labor law posters available to for all businesses.

Barbara Wasserkrug, Palm Desert resident, spoke about the hazards of chemtrails in the atmosphere.

Ken Seumalo, Public Works Director for City of Indian Wells, thanked the Public Works staff and the Riverside County Sheriff's department for their assistance with traffic control at a recent special event that took place at Southwest Community Church.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    To approve the consent calendar as presented.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    Approve the Minutes of December 14, 2023.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    Adopt Resolution No. SA-RDA 103 for Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule and Administrative Budgets for the fiscal period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, and taking certain related actions.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    Receive and file update on the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. Accept the Portola Avenue and Magnesia Falls Drive Median Island Landscape Installation Project as complete.
    2. Authorize the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion.


    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. Authorize the City Manager to approve up to an additional seven temporary event waivers to Palm Desert Municipal Code Sections 9.58.010 and 9.58.020 (Consumption/Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on Public Property) at the Henderson Building (72559 Highway 111) as needed for fiscal year 2023/2024.
    2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control documents or other documents to effectuate the action herein, as required.
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    Expand the use of the Unite Palm Desert Bicycle Incentive Program funds to allow the City to purchase and place bicycle racks on public property.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. Reallocate $5,000 of Unite Palm Desert Security Camera Grant Program (UPDSC) funds to a mister system grant program that grants up to $500 per commercial business/property owner to purchase and install misters at their location.
    2. Authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents related to a mister system grant program.
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. With regret, accept the resignation of Gary Bindman from the Public Safety Committee.
    2. With regret, accept the resignation of Erin Scott from the Marketing Committee.
    3. Appoint Stephen Nelson to the Public Safety Committee to fill the unscheduled vacancy for the term ending June 30, 2025.
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande

    Authorize out-of-state travel for the Public Affairs Manager to travel to New York City to promote Palm Desert Food & Wine at the James Beard House in conjunction with Palm Springs Life and Visit Greater Palm Springs.

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)

Economic Development Director Ceja presented a staff report and responded to City Council inquiries.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. Approve the Second Amendment to the Second Revised and Restated DDA between the City of Palm Desert and Desert Wave Ventures, LLC.
    2. Authorize the Mayor to execute said Agreements.
    3. Authorize the City Manager to make non-substantive changes to the Second Amendment to the Second Revised and Restated DDA as needed prior to execution by the Mayor.
    4. Authorize the City Manager to draft, negotiate, and execute other supporting agreements that may be required by the DDA.
    5. Authorize the City Manager to execute said agreements. 
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)

Project Manager Gerry presented a staff report and responded to City Council inquiries.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Trubee
    1. Award Contract No. C46970 to Alta Planning + Design, Inc., of Los Angeles, California, to develop Palm Desert Vision Zero Strategy in the amount of $948,920.
    2. Authorize the Finance Director to appropriate funds in the amount $66,980 from unobligated Measure A Fund Balance to Account No. 21343000-4000910, Safe Routes.
    3. Authorize the City Attorney to make any necessary non-monetary changes to the agreement.
    4. Authorize City Manager or designee to execute agreement and any documents necessary to effectuate actions taken herewith.
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)

Development Services Director Cannone narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries.

Jocelyn Kane, Coachella Valley Cannabis Network (CVCAN) Board Vice President, spoke against staff's recommendation and stated it would not bring additional business to the area, asked that the City Council not be overly reactive to a recent fire at a cannabis-related business.

Scot Rsuczyk, CVCAN Board President, spoke about the desire to balance the need for public safety with allowing businesses to grow, and shared information about their programs and meetings.

Kenneth Churchill, West Coast Cannabis Club and CVCAN Board Member, spoke about his businesses' conformance to the City's regulations and expressed concern regarding potential limitations placed on the retail portion of his businesses. 

City Manager Hileman clarified that retail operations at existing microbusinesses are not affected by staff's recommendation, and confirmed that the State of California has shifted the responsibility of inspection, oversight and compliance to the City.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Mayor Pro Tem Harnik

    Direct staff to proceed with amendments to the Palm Desert Municipal Code (PDMC) to:

    1. Prohibit cannabis manufacturing businesses
    2. Add Cannabis Microbusiness as a use that could be permitted through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in Service Industrial only with the following use limitations:
      1. Limited to one (1) business
      2. No retail storefront, delivery only [Note: cannabis retail is prohibited in SI].
      3. Manufacturing is limited to packaging and labeling.
    3. Update/clarify any inconsistent code sections.
    4. Establish an annual fee of $2,760 for cannabis regulatory permits for Microbusinesses and Distribution businesses to cover the cost of semi-annual inspections.


    Motion Carried (5 to 0)

Public Affairs Manager Soule narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries.

Mayor Quintanilla expressed her opposition to commemorating Columbus Day on social media and support for celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Councilmember Nestande
    1. Direct staff to commemorate Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day and sensitively incorporate the comments from the City Council.
    2. Approve the list of social media commemorations planned for 2024.
    NOES (1)Mayor Quintanilla
    Motion Carried (4 to 1)

Mayor Quintanilla opened the public hearing.

City Clerk Mejia narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries.

Michael Stafford, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition to Map 109 Renumbered B, and requested the introduction of Map 102c as an additional focus map.

Debbie Green, Palm Desert resident, spoke in favor of introducing Map 102c as an additional focus map and in opposition to Map 109 Renumbered B.

Mayor Quintanilla closed the public hearing, there being no other member of the public wishing to speak.

Mayor Kelly thanked the City Clerk for his guidance through the process, and thanked all residents for their participation. She assured residents that the City Council has been monitoring the school boundary issue for a number of years, and established a subcommittee to work with the school districts to determine if the boundaries could be redrawn and learned it could not easily be done due to funding issues for each school district. She also noted District 4 Fred Waring Drive as a major commuter artery, and noted similar traffic safety issues on Fred Waring Drive, Cook Street, and commuter difficulties at the north end of the District 4, demonstrating a community of interest surrounding traffic issues. 

Mayor Pro Harnik noted that District 4 also shares a unique border with Indian Wells in addition to the traffic issues on Fred Waring Drive.

  • Motion by:Councilmember Kelly
    Seconded by:Mayor Pro Tem Harnik
    1. Adopt “Map 109 Renumbered B” as the City Council election district boundaries map.
    Motion Carried (5 to 0)

The City Council adjourned at 6:07 p.m.

No Item Selected