Mayor Kelly opened the public hearing.
City Clerk Mejia narrated a PowerPoint presentation and responded to City Council inquiries. NDC Senior Consultant Shalice Tilton further responded to City Council inquiries.
Gregg Akkerman, Palm Desert resident, spoke in opposition to Maps 105 and 109, asserting they create tall districts, divide communities of interest, reduce the quality of potential representation, and dilute the vote of residents in North Palm Desert.
Ron Perry, Palm Desert resident, spoke in support of Map 102b, and spoke in favor of rolling out the election years for each district in numerical order, with Districts 1, 2, and 3 in 2024, and Districts 4 and 5 in 2026.
Mayor Kelly closed the public hearing, there being no other members of the public wishing to speak.
Mayor Kelly noted that splitting of gated communities struck her as the most extreme failure to respect a community of interest, which is the case with Map 102b. She indicated her support of Map 109, encouraging those living in the North Palm Desert area to consider the potential of two representatives for North Palm Desert; noted that the Mid-Valley Channel has proven in recent months to be a community of interest which Map 109 would protect; and highlighted the unique characteristics of Portola Country Club and Palm Desert Greens Country Club, both being gated communities where the resident owns both the land and the mobile home, and face unique issues. She noted that the maps should accommodate future growth so that there are less adjustments when redistricting in response to the 2030 Census update.
Mayor Harnik expressed her opposition to Map 102b due to the splitting of a gated community; spoke in support of Map 109 as the only map that does not divide an HOA or gated community; noted that a priority in forming District 1 was to not divide neighborhoods, a priority of the CVRA, and the same should be true for this process.
Councilmember Nestande noted that the only map that does not divide a gated community and requested clarification from the demographer that other maps could not be modified to meet the requirement.
In response to Councilmember Nestande, Ms. Tilton advised that in her attempts to population balance Map 102, she could not find a solution which did not divide at least one HOA or gated community.
Mayor Pro Tem Quintanilla disagreed with the concept of not splitting a gated community, stating those residents living outside a gated community should be respected. She noted that if public input is an important part of the process, public input favors the map that keeps the north area of Palm Desert together and expressly states they do not want Map 109. She asserted that if a portion of an HOA were to be split, it is less important than other requirements according to the California Voting Rights Act.
Mayor Pro Tem Quintanilla noted the objective was to select two or three maps, and that one map was not sufficient to present.
In response to inquiry, City Clerk Mejia advised that staff's recommendation was to select two to three focus maps to aid the City Council in selecting a final map for adoptions. However, if the City Council has narrowed their consideration to a single focus map, it is within their authroity to move forward with an alternate action.
Councilmember Trubee noted Palm Desert's success can be attributed to being predictable, reliable and not disruptive. He noted that moving forward he would prioritize predictability and stability relative to the 2030 Census and supports Map 109.