PALM DESERT CITY COUNCIL MEETING - ADDENDUMThursday, November 16, 2023 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.Council Chamber, City Hall73-510 Fred Waring DrivePalm Desert, California This is a joint meeting of the Palm Desert City Council, Successor Agency to the Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency, and the Palm Desert Housing Authority. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 2449, this meeting may be conducted as a hybrid meeting allowing public access via teleconference or in person, and up to two Councilmembers may attend remotely.WATCH THE MEETING LIVE: Watch the City Council meeting live at the City’s website: under the “Council Agenda” link at the top of the homepage, or onthe City’s YouTube Channel. OPTIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THIS MEETING: If unable to attend the meeting in person, you may choose from the following options: OPTION 1: VIA EMAIL Send your comments by email to: [email protected]. Emails received prior to 10:00 a.m. on the day of the City Council meeting will be made part of the record and distributed to the City Council. Emails will not be read aloud at the meeting. OPTION 2: LIVE VIA ZOOM Access via or, click “Join Meeting” and enter Webinar ID 833 6744 9572. OPTION 3: LIVE VIA TELEPHONE (213) 338-8477 and enter Meeting ID 833 6744 9572 followed by #. Indicate that you are a participant by pressing # to continue. During the meeting, press *9 to add yourself to the queue and wait for the Mayor or City Clerk to announce your name/phone number. Press *6 to unmute your line and limit your comments to three minutes. 7.CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Public Comments: 7.bSUNBURST INSTALLATION UPDATE 1.CM Comment - Sunburst.pdf11.ACTION CALENDAR Public Comments: 11.dAPPROVE A MODIFIED CONTRACT FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMPLIANCE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES WITH FALKENBERG/GILLIAM AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1.APPROVE MODIFICATIONS TO CONTRACT WITH FALKENBERG GILLIAM and ASSOCIATES INC.pdf2.01 Property Management Services Agreement.pdf3.02 Addendum to Agreement for Property Management Services.pdfRECOMMENDATION:Approve modifications to contract for Affordable Housing Compliance and Property Management Services for the Authority-owned Properties with Falkenberg/Gilliam and Associates, Inc.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.APPROVE MODIFICATIONS TO CONTRACT WITH FALKENBERG GILLIAM and ASSOCIATES INC.pdf2.01 Property Management Services Agreement.pdf3.02 Addendum to Agreement for Property Management Services.pdf1.CM Comment - Sunburst.pdf